World Class Creators - An exhibition by A-GENT Tokyo Illustration, Sights, LearnJunel Che24 January 2016weekend, Illustration, Tokyo, EventComment
Inside Singapore Tyler Print Institute (STPI) Learn, SightsJunel Che24 December 2015Feature, Art, trip, SingaporeComment
Christmas themed Watercolour workshop with ItchyFingers Illustration, LearnJunel Che22 December 2015illustration, Singapore, workshop, watercolourComment
Pigment at Tennozu Isle, Tokyo LearnJunel Che6 December 2015craft, fun, Art, tools, Tokyo, trip, weekend, JapanComment
Day Trip to Kamakura seaside Sights, LearnJunel Che28 November 2015Tokyo, weekend, Japan, fun, tripComment